Quietly lazing on a couch at the weekly family Sunday barbeque with your smartphone and waiting for the burgers to be ready- you would love to take the opportunity to share with everyone about your recent holiday and family photos and videos but realize how your phone just won’t cut it by passing it around. How about captivating the moment with photos that your aunts who all forgot their reading glasses can see and followed with videos that your grandparents can clearly hear all at once?
These days with the advancement of technology around every corner from smartwatches to smart TVs, smartphone technology has also stepped towards integration with other media sources. To make the best out of your smartphone’s media, imagine having it appear bigger on any TV, even high-def if it’s available (to show off every grain of sand of your vacation beach photos)! Here are some connection options to hook up the duo together.
Micro HDMI: Newer smartphones can be connected to the HDMI slot in a television via a Micro HDMI or a Type D cable. By putting in the larger end of the cable into your television and the smaller one into your smartphone, the display of your phone will stream immediately onto the television screen.
DLNA: Easy option for the Wi-Fi lover in you. These days the latest televisions on the market are already packed DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) enabled. This allows the media in your smartphone to play on the TV wirelessly via Wi-Fi. Most importantly relieving you from the file transfer burden and allowing you to continue to live in the wonderful wireless world you’ve created for yourself.
Also online media streaming services like Netflix and Hulu Plus now allow for an even easier transition of videos from smartphones to televisions, too. We’re always glad to share with you the innovative ways you can enjoy your smartphone’s capabilities. Go ahead, hook your smartphone with the TV and entertain the masses!
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