Friday, 17 May 2013

Samsung Yet again cracks the code - successfully tests 5G!

Yes! Don’t get shocked. You would be able to download a whole movie to your Smartphone in seconds since 2020.And all that would actually be possible because of the Samsung's most talked about successful testing of the lightning fast 5G technology that would allow the users to pamper themselves with a wide range of services like 3D movies, games and real-time streaming of UHD (Ultra High definition) content and remote medical services – as they claim to make it happen! According to the talks all over the web, Samsung has reportedly witnessed 1 gbps wireless download speeds over a distance of 2 kms in its 5G trials. This outstanding speed is actually several hundreds times faster than the current 4G wireless speed, which hasn’t taken over whole of 3G yet all over the world. The 4G wireless technology is yet to be adopted worldwide and now this breaking news of successful testing by Samsung Electronics has compelled people start craving for the brilliantly speeded 5G directly. This wonderful achievement of the Samsung Electronics after the successful launch of Galaxy S4 is paving way for the South Korean electronics giant to be in hot tech talks always.
And with all these wonderful things happening around its time for you to burn in this Samsung fever with the ongoing hot deal at Smacktom – one stop shop to make your tech pop!

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