Friday, 8 February 2013

What If Your Gadgets Get Drenched?

Why in the world would you drop your gadget in the pool or leave it in the lawn for getting it splashed or sing songs or keep talking while walking in the rain or a snow shower? Its accidental drop generally or a matter of carelessness that you forget and your electronic companions get wet. As a matter of fact its not the water that damages your gadgets rather it’s the small devils dissolved in it called the ions which cause short circuiting and force your device to break. Here are some quick and useful tips for saving your drenched gadgets:
Wet gadget
  • First of all power off the device and remove the battery out of it as soon as possible.
  • Detach all the removable components like the covers, SD cards, etc. and then dry it with something like tissue paper, ear bud, cotton or anything that can absorb moisture. Never shake the gadget as it lets the water flow inside and cause more damage to it.
  • Put the affected gadget into any moisture absorbing substance preferably a rice container which absorbs moisture from the device when its kept for a day.
  • Keeping the gadget in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes is also an option to draw away moisture from it. But again don’t forget the gadget in the fridge!!
  • Also there is an option to cease the moisture out of the device via a vacuum cleaner.
So don’t get tensed when your gadget gets drenched. Just follow these steps and Keep Smiling!!

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